
Common Name

English :Turmeric
Hindi :Haldi
Manipuri :Yai-ngang

Scientific Name

Group :Angiosperm (Monocotyledon)
Family :Zingiberaceae
Genus :Curcuma
Species :longa  Linn.
Habit :Rhizomatous aromatic herb
Parts Used :Rhizome
Mode of Preparation :Rhizome crushed into paste, powder, lotion or oil can be used for many purposes. Dried rhizome is boiled with water for extract. Rhizome paste mixed with leaves of ‘Neem’ was used fo small pox. Rhizome used as spice (colouring flavouring agent).
Mode of use :Decoction, Fresh and Local Application
Ingredients :Rhizome contains an essential oil consisting of sesquiterpenes, zingiberene, cineol and the crystalline colouring compound known as curcumin.
Ailment Treated:Rhizome decoction is used for conjunctivitis. Rhizome paste is useful for excessive body temperature (application on forehead). Use it expel gases, flatulence and gripping pains in the stomach. It is also used in bronchitis, diarrhoea, jaundice and liver problems.
Source:Extensively cultivated in both plain and hill.

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