Illaichi achouba

Common Name

English :Large cardamon
Hindi :Bara illaichi
Manipuri :Illaichi achouba

Scientific Name

Group :Angiosperm(Monocotyledon)
Family :Zingiberaceae
Genus :Amomum
Species :subulatum  Roxb.
Habit :Rhizomatus tall herb
Parts Used :Seed
Mode of Preparation :Seeds crushed for decoction. Seeds ground into powder. Tender shoot is edible.
Mode of use :Decoction
Ingredients :Seeds contain the glycosides, petunidin, 3,5 – diglucoside, cardamonin, leucocyanidin, subulin and luecocyanidin.
Ailment Treated:Seed powder is used in high blood pressure. Seed oil is applied to inflamed eyelids. Decoction of seed is used as gargle in affection of teeth and gums.
Source:Cultivated in higher altitude.

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