
Common Name

English :Crown plant (Madar)
Hindi :Ak
Manipuri :Ang-kot

Scientific Name

Group :Angiosperm (Dicotyledon)
Family :Asclepiadaceae
Genus :Calotropis
Species :gigantea  R. Br. ex Ait.
Habit :Erect hispid shrub
Parts Used :Root, Leaf, Bark and Bud
Mode of Preparation :Fresh leaves are heated over a naked flame for abdominal pain treatment. Young floral buds, crushed for application in cases of earache. Stem cut for latex. Root is crushed with milk for deccoction.
Mode of use :Fresh, Decoction and Local Application
Ingredients :Extract of aerial part of the plant possess potent analgesic effects indicating the possibility of developing the plant as the cheaper, safer and potent analgesic therapeutic agent.
Ailment Treated:Root, used as a poultice in ulcers and other skin diseases. Young floral buds juice used for earache. Root is useful in leucoderma and leprosy. Latex is applied on ringworms. Root-bark is used in dysentery. Flowers are given in cold, cough, asthma and indigestion. Fresh root is boiled with cattle milk and the soup is taken against dog-bite.
Source:Plain, occasionally cultivated in the home gardens as decorative plant.

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