
Common Name

English :Arabian jasmine
Hindi :Banmalika
Manipuri :Kundo

Scientific Name

Group :Angiosperm (Dicotyledon)
Family :Oleaceae
Genus :Jasminum
Species :jambec (Linn.)  Ait.
Habit :Slender bushy shrub
Parts Used :Root, Leaf and flower
Mode of Preparation :Leaves crushed for decoction. Dried leaves ground into powder
Mode of use :Decoction, Fresh and Local application
Ingredients :Plant contains Ester, alcohol, methyl anthranilate and indole.
Ailment Treated:Flower is used as bitter acrid, refrigerant, alexipharmic, opthalmic, purgative and lactigue. Leaf decoction is used in skin sore and rheumatism. Leaves are used in ulcers and fever. Roots along with leaves are used in opthlmopathy. Dried leaves are applied as poultice on ulcers.
Source:Wild/cultivated in home gardens.

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