Ador gulap

Common Name

English :Rose
Hindi :Gulab
Manipuri :Ador gulap

Scientific Name

Group :Angiosperm (Dicotyledon)
Family :Rosaceae
Genus :Rosa
Species :chinensis  Jacq.
Habit :Profused spiny shrub
Parts Used :Flower, Fruit
Mode of Preparation :Flower (petals) are soaked for infusion. Fruits crushed & squeezed for juice.
Mode of use :Fresh, Local Application
Ingredients :Gallic acid isolated fron flowers. Seed oils contain fatty acids C18 (10.7), C20 (81.6) and C22 (11.7%) Gallic acid showed fungistatic property.
Ailment Treated:Flower (patel) infusion is used as laxative. Fruit juice, used for treatment of wounds, sprains and ulcers.
Source:Generally cultivated as ornamental plants.

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