
Common Name

English :Indian plum
Hindi :Ber
Manipuri :Boroi

Scientific Name

Group :Angiosperm (Dicotyledon)
Family :Rhamnaceae
Genus :Ziziphus
Species :mauritiana  Lam.
Habit :Bushy small tree
Parts Used :Bark, Seed & Leaf
Mode of Preparation :Fruits are processed for consumption. Bark is boiled for extract. Bark is dried & crushed into powder. Fruit is edible.
Mode of use :Decoction and Fresh
Ingredients :Seeds yield a fatty oil. Fruits are rich in vitamin C and B complex, iron, etc.
Ailment Treated:Dried/raw/ripe fruits eaten for good health. Bark decoction is taken against dysentery. Dried bark powder with sugar candy is taken against excessive menstrual discharge.
Source:Plain, generally cultivated along the roadsides.

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