
Common Name

English :White mulbery
Hindi :Tut
Manipuri :Kabrangchak

Scientific Name

Group :Angiosperm (Dicotyledon)
Family :Moraceae
Genus :Morus
Species :alba  Linn.
Habit :Small bushy tree
Parts Used :Root, Bark, Fruit and Leaf
Mode of Preparation :Fresh fruit crushed for juice.
Mode of use :Fresh
Ingredients :Leaves contain calcium and a good of vitamin C. An aqueous methanolic extract of root bark reported having three new 2,3-arlbenzofurans mulberrofurans M,P and Q -isolated. Roots also contain Kuwanon Y and Kuwanon Z.
Ailment Treated:Leaves used for rearing silk worms, diaphoretic and eaten. Roots are anthelmintic. Bark is used for paper making, textile fibers, purgative and vermifuge. Fruit juice is used as refrigerant, throat sore, dyspepsia and melancholia.

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