
Common Name

English :Ring worm senna
Hindi :Dadmurdan
Manipuri :Daopata

Scientific Name

Group :Angiosperm (Dicotyledon)
Family :Caesalpiniaceae
Genus :Cassia
Species :alata  Linn.
Habit :Shrub
Parts Used :Flower, Leaf, Fruit
Mode of Preparation :Fresh leaves crushed for paste. Fresh leaves crushed & squeezed for juice. Flower and leaves crushed for decoction.
Mode of use :Decoction, Fresh, Local Application
Ingredients :The leaves contain anthraglucosides, chrysophanic acid and rhein, chrysophanol, emodin, rhein and glucosides of rhein and aloe-emodin from leaves and fruits.
Ailment Treated:Leaf paste/juice is applied on ring worm and pustules, skin troubles and snake bite. Flower and leaf decoction is given in asthma, bronchitis, diabetes and for washing eczematous patches.
Source:Extensively grown in wild habitat in valley areas.

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