Ureirom laba

Common Name

English :Kamala tree
Hindi :Kamala
Manipuri :Ureirom laba

Scientific Name

Group :Angiosperm (Dicotyledon)
Family :Euphorbiaceae
Genus :Mallotus
Species :philippensis  Muell.-Arg.
Habit :Small tree
Parts Used :Fruit
Mode of Preparation :Fruits dried & ground to powder for local application.
Mode of use :Local Application
Ingredients :Seeds yield a fatty oil which forms a good substitute for Tung oil. Bark contains tannins. Glandular hairs of fruits yield a dye called kamala powder, (anti-oxidant).
Ailment Treated:Fruits are anthelmintic and used for cutaneous diseases. Powdered fruit is a strong purgative, applied to scabies, ringworms and herpes; reduces fertility in lower doses.
Source:Cultivated in valley areas along the fences and home gardens.

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