Chengkruk angangba

Common Name

English :Red amarnath
Hindi :Lal sag/ Lali sag
Manipuri :Chengkruk angangba

Scientific Name

Group :Angiosperm (Dicotyledon)
Family :Amaranthaceae
Genus :Amaranthus
Species :gangeticus  Linn.
Habit :Tall delicate herb
Parts Used :Whole plant
Mode of Preparation :Whole plant is used for paste preparation to be applied over inflammed skin. Root is crushed with water for decoction. Leaf/shoot cooked eaten as vegetables.
Mode of use :Decoction and Local Application
Ingredients :Tender shoots reported containning vitamin A (2,500-11,000 I.U.) and Vitamin C (173mg/100g). Seeds contain saponin which is slightly toxic.
Ailment Treated:Root is used for acute abdominal pain and stomachache. Paste of the whole plant is applied over inflamed skin, abnormal stoppage of menses and inflamed mucous membranes of urethra and vagina. The decoction of the root is taken to promote lactation of nursing mothers.
Source:Occasionally cultivated in home gardens. It is sold in the market as vegetable.

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