
Common Name

English :
Hindi :Meda
Manipuri :Tumitla

Scientific Name

Group :Angiosperm (Dicotyledon)
Family :Lauraceae
Genus :Litsea
Species :monopetala  (Roxb.) Pers.
Habit :Medium-sized tree
Parts Used :Bark & Leaf
Mode of Preparation :Bark crushed with water for decoction. Leaves crushed with water for paste.
Mode of use :Fresh, Local Application and Decoction
Ingredients :Seeds yield fat. Bark contains tannin.
Ailment Treated:Bark decoction and leaf paste is used in cut and injuries for early suppuration. Leaf paste is applied in muscle-pain of legs and arms. Bark is astringent and cures diarrhoea. Seed oil is used in rheumatism. Bark powder is used in body pain and bruises.
Source:Wild and extensively grown in hills and valleys.

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