
Common Name

English :Grape fruit
Hindi :Chakotra
Manipuri :Nobab

Scientific Name

Group :Angiosperm (Dicotyledon)
Family :Rutaceae
Genus :Citrus
Species :maxima  (Burm.) Merr.
Habit :Evergreen tree
Parts Used :Fruit and Leaf
Mode of Preparation :Leaves and flowers boiled with water for extract. Fruit juice is obtained by crushing the fruit. Peel is dried for decoction. Seeds are crushed for local application. Fruits are edible.
Mode of use :Decoction, Fresh and Local Application
Ingredients :Fruit contains limonene (18.2%), linalool (16.4%), nerolidol (29.3%) and farnesol (15.7%). Flower contains essential oil.The essential oil from the leaves consists of dipentene, flavonoids,vitamins A and B, rhamnose,citric acid, pectin and fatty oil.
Ailment Treated : Leaf extract is used in epilepsy, cholera, convulsive and coughs. Decoction of leaves and flower are used for painful swellings, ulcers, rheumatism & nervous disorders. Fruit juice is used in constipation, scurvy and against excessive albumin in the diet. Dried fruit peel is excellent for heart diseases indigestion and cough.
Source : Generally cultivated in home gardens. Fruits sold in market.

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