
Common Name

English :
Hindi :Lalberela
Manipuri :Uhan

Scientific Name

Group :Angiosperm (Dicotyledon)
Family :Malvaceae
Genus :Sida
Species :rhombifolia  Linn.
Habit :Glabrous undershrub
Parts Used :Root, Stem, Leaf
Mode of Preparation :Dried root ground into powder. Fresh leaf crushed for paste. Root crushed with water for extract.
Mode of use :Fresh, Local Application
Ingredients :Leaves contain epheodrine, cellulose, lignin, quinazolines, b-phenethylamine, tryptamine derivative, sterculic, malvalic and linoleic acids.
Ailment Treated:The crushed leaves are used along with common salt in tuberculosis and rheumatism. Root powder is mixed with equal amount of sugar and mixed with cattle milk and the mixture is taken to enhance sexual fertility. Stem is febrifuge. Root extract is used in rheumatism and leucorrhoea.
Source:Wild, common in wasteland and along road side.

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