
Common Name

English :White bauhinia twiner
Hindi :Kanchanara
Manipuri :Chingthrao-angouba

Scientific Name

Group :Angiosperm (Dicotyledon)
Family :Caesalpiniaceae
Genus :Bauhinia
Species :tenuiflora  Watt. ex Clarke.
Habit :Profusely branched twiner tree
Parts Used :Bark
Mode of Preparation :Bark soaked in water infusion. Bark boiled for extract. Fresh flower and young pods for consumed in raw.
Mode of use :Fresh, Decoction and Infusion
Ingredients :The bark contains tannin and oil
Ailment Treated:Bark is used in diarrhoea. Bark decoction paste is used in leprosy and dysentery. Bark infusion is used in poisonous bites.
Source:Wildly grown in hills but occasionally cultivated as pot plant.

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