
Common Name

English :Indian laburnum
Hindi :Amaltas
Manipuri :Chahui

Scientific Name

Group :Angiosperm (Dicotyledon)
Family :Caesalpiniaceae
Genus :Cassia
Species :fistula  Linn.
Habit :Robust tree
Parts Used :Leaf, Bark, Fruit and Root
Mode of Preparation :Bark is crushed with water for extract. Bark is crushed for decoction. Leaf is crushed with water for juice.
Mode of use :Decoction and Local Application
Ingredients :Seeds contain sugars and galactomannan. Cery alcohol, fistulin, Kaempferol and a new Dianthraquinone glucoside occur in the flowers. Bark and heartwood contain barbaloin, fistucacidin and rhein. Leaves contain rhein and its glucoside, sennosides. Stem bark yields lupeol, sitosterol and hexacosanol.
Ailment Treated:Bark extract is used in liver complaints and enlargement of spleen. Bark decoction is used in blood vomiting. Pulp of the fruit is purgative and useful in chronic fever. Root bark and leaves are useful as external applicant in ringworms and pustules. Fruit is externally used in gout, rheumatism and thoracic obstruction. Leaf juice is applied in skin diseases and leprosy.
Source:Wild/cultivated very common in the valley.

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