Cha chandan

Common Name

English :Sandalwood
Hindi :Safed chandan
Manipuri :Cha chandan

Scientific Name

Group :Angiosperm (Dicotyledon)
Family :Santalaceae
Genus :Santalum
Species :album  Linn.
Habit :Glabrous robust tree
Parts Used :Bark/ Wood
Mode of Preparation :Wood cut, powdered & mixed with water for paste. Wood crushed & squeezed for extract/ oil.
Mode of use :Fresh, Local Application
Ingredients :Heart wood yields essential oil which contains a-, a- and b-santalenes, santenol, teresantanol.
Ailment Treated:Wood oil is used to relieve scabies, pimples and other skin diseases. Wood paste is applied in headache, fever and skin diseases and even on the inflammation due to pox – vaccination. In chronic bronchitis, a few drops of the extract of wood is used .

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