
Common Name

English :
Hindi :Nisinda /Nirgandi
Manipuri :Urikshibi

Scientific Name

Group :Angiosperm (Dicotyledon)
Family :Verbenaceae
Genus :Vitex
Species :negundo  Linn.
Habit :Small bushy shrub
Parts Used :Root, Bark and Leaf
Mode of Preparation :Root is simmered with water for decoction. Leaves soaked in water for infusion. Leaves dried for fumigation. Leaf extract is boiled for fomentation. Leaves, bark and roots are simmered for decoction. Leaves boiled with rice water for lotion. Occasionally used in making rosaries.
Mode of use :Fumigation, Decoction and Local Application
Ingredients :Leaves contains an alkaloid nishindene, flavonoids like flavones, luteolin-7-glucoside, sridoid glycosides an essential oil and other constituents like vitamin C, carotene, benzoic acid and b-sitosterol. Stem and bark yields leucoanthocyanidins. Leaf extract shows anticancer activity. Leaves and roots possess tranquillizing effect.
Ailment Treated:Leaf decoction is useful for muscular sprain. Root decoction is used as tonic, febrifuge and as expectorant. Root infusion is used as vermifuge. Boiled leaf extract is used for fomentation in acute rheumatism. Dried leaf fumes useful for catarrh. Leaf decoction with rice water is useful for lice eradication and one of the good traditional hair lotions.
Source:Generally grown wild in the valley areas and at foothills.

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