
Common Name

English :
Hindi :Gudrisag
Manipuri :Phakchet

Scientific Name

Group :Angiosperm (Dicotyledon)
Family :Amaranthaceae
Genus :Alternanthera
Species :sessilis  DC.
Habit :Spreading herb
Parts Used :Whole plant
Mode of Preparation :Young shoots are freshly consumed.
Mode of use :Fresh
Ingredients :Plant contains protein (95%) and iron ( 16.7 mg/100g), stigmasterol, campesterol and b-sitosterol.
Ailment Treated:Plant is galactagogue, cholagogue, febrifuge, depurative, cooling, constipating, digestive and astringent. Young shoots are nutritious and also used for night blindness. Leaf and stem are applied in snake- bite.
Source:Commonly grown in moist places and near grazing grounds.

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