
Common Name

English :Butterfly tree
Hindi :Khairwal
Manipuri :Chingthrao-angangba

Scientific Name

Group :Angiosperm (Dicotyledon)
Family :Caesalpiniaceae
Genus :Bauhinia
Species :purpurea  Linn.
Habit :Small profuse tree
Parts Used :Bark, Flower & Pod
Mode of Preparation :Bark crushed and smashed for extract. Flower crushed with water for paste. Pods eaten by children. Planted in home garden as decorative plant.
Mode of use :Fresh
Ingredients :A new glycoside 6,4-dihydroxy-3-prenyl 3,5,7,5-tetramethoxyflavone-6-0-a-L-rhamnopyranoside from seeds of plant was reported.
Ailment Treated:Bark extract is applied to poisonous bites. Flower paste eaten in menstrual disorder and leucorrhoea. Tender pod is eaten in dysentery and intestinal worms. Bark is used in diarrhoea and also yields a fiber.
Source:Wild and cultivated in home garden as decorative plant.

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