
Common Name

English :Ginger
Hindi :Adarak
Manipuri :Sing

Scientific Name

Group :Angiosperm (Monocotyledon)
Family :Zingiberaceae
Genus :Zingiber
Species :officinale  Rosc.
Habit :Rhizomatous aromatic herb
Parts Used :Rhizome and leaf
Mode of Preparation :Fresh rhizome is crushed with honey or common salt and oil of ‘Sesamum indicum’, warmed and used for local application. Rhizome is simmered with water for decoction. Rhizomes used as a spice; leaf is used to enhance the flavour of tea.
Mode of use :Decoction, Fresh & Local Application
Ingredients :Ginger possesses anti-oxidant properties. Analysis of fresh ginger shows moisture (80.9%), protein (2.3%), fat (0.9%), minerals (1.2%), fibre (2.4%) and carbohydrate (12.3%).
Ailment Treated:Rhizome juice is good for fever, cough, menstrual disorder. Rhizome decoction is carminative and stimulant. Ginger ointment reduces headache when applied on forehead.
Source:Extensively cultivated in both hills & valley areas.

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