
Common Name

English :Champak
Hindi :Champa
Manipuri :Leihao

Scientific Name

Group :Angiosperm (Dicotyledon)
Family :Magnoliaceae
Genus :Michelia
Species :champaca  Linn.
Habit :Robust tree
Parts Used :Root, Bark & Flower
Mode of Preparation :Fresh flowers crushed for juice. Bark is dried & powdered for consumption. Bark is crushed for paste. Root is crushed for juice. Flower boiled for extract. Flowers for scent. Wood is regarded as class I grade timber. Making bonsai as pot plant.
Mode of use :Decoction, Fresh & Local Application
Ingredients :Flowers, leaves and fruits give essential oil containing mono-and sesquiterpenes. Oil from the flowers contains iso-eugenol-benzaldehyde, phenyl ethyl alcohol and methyl anthranilate. Seeds contain fat and fatty acids like palmitic and oleic acids. Bark contains alkaloids and tannins.
Ailment Treated:Flower juice is applied on head to kill lice. Bark is stimulant expectorant and astringent. Bark paste is used in rheumatism. Root juice is diuretic. Flower decoction is used to cure cough and rheumatism.
Source:Grown wildly in the hilly regions and also cultivated in the valley areas.

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