Khamen ashinba

Common Name

English :Tomato
Hindi :Tamatar
Manipuri :Khamen ashinba

Scientific Name

Group :Angiosperm (Dicotyledon)
Family :Solanaceae
Genus :Lycopersicon
Species :esculentum  Mill.
Habit :Profuse hispid herb
Parts Used :Fruit
Mode of Preparation :Fruit consumed as salads. Cook or form a part of curries and also used for soups, juices and ketchup. Fruit smashed for paste preparation
Mode of use :Decoction, Local Application and Fresh
Ingredients :Fruits contain carotenoids, lycopene, carotene, xanthophylls and xanthophylls ester. Seed yeilds a semi drying fatty oil, carotenoids, b-carotene and lycopene constitute the chief colouring matter of ripe tomatos.
Ailment Treated:The fruits are emolleint, carminative, digestive, haematinic, intestinal antiseptic, liver and kidney stimulant and tonic. Ripe fruit pulp is applied externally on head against nausea and vertigo.
Source:Cultivated in both hills and valley areas.

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