Hameng sampakpi

Common Name

English :
Hindi :
Manipuri :Hameng sampakpi

Scientific Name

Group :Angiosperm
Family :Asteraceae
Genus :Bidens
Species :pillosa  Linn.
Habit :Small herb upto 1 m high
Parts Used :Root, Flower, Leaf
Mode of Preparation :Leaves crushed for juice/paste. Leaves crushed for decoction. Root crushed & soaked in water for infusion.
Mode of use :Decoction, Fresh, Local Application
Ingredients :
Ailment Treated:Leaf decoction is diuretic and febrifuge. Leaf juice is used for eye and ear irritation. Flowers are used in diarrhoea. Seeds are anthelmintic. Root infusion is given in colic. Leaf juice/paste ia applied to cut, wound and injuries.
Source:Commonly grown wild in the valley areas more prominently along road sides and grazing grounds and other wastelands.

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