
Common Name

English :Long pine /Pine tree
Hindi :Devadar
Manipuri :Uchan

Scientific Name

Group :Gymnosperm
Family :Pinaceae
Genus :Pinus
Species :kesiya  Royle ex. Gordon
Habit :Bulk-canopy resinous tree
Parts Used :Wood & Leaf
Mode of Preparation :Wood crushed into powder. Bark is boiled for extract. Wood is a good timber for making varieties of furniture, construction of house, etc.
Mode of use :Decoction & Local Application
Ingredients :Plant is a source of an oleoresin which yields oil of Turpentine.
Ailment Treated:Wood paste is applied on forehead against vertigo and mental disorder. Pillow filled with needle leaves of this plant is good for proper functioning of brain. Bark extract is given to delivery woman for blood purification and digestion.
Source:Generally cultivated in the hilly regions .

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