
Common Name

English :
Hindi :
Manipuri :Nungsam

Scientific Name

Group :Algae
Family :Rhodophyceae
Genus :Lemanea
Species :australis  Atkins.
Habit :Fresh water red alga
Parts Used :Whole plant
Mode of Preparation :Whole plant is boiled for extract. The whole plant is edible (prepared chutney after roasted in the the fire).
Mode of use :Fresh/Dried
Ingredients :Plant shows high percentage of protien, lipids and minarals. 0.65ppm iron, 31.20ppm Copper, 62.40ppm Zinc (Personal Communication with RRL substation, Imphal).
Ailment Treated:Boiled extract of fresh filaments is used as abortifacient and aphrodisiac.
Source:Grown in Chakpi River of Chandel District, Manipur.

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