
Common Name

English :
Hindi :
Manipuri :Lomba

Scientific Name

Group :Angiosperm (Dicotyledon)
Family :Lamiaceae
Genus :Elsholtzia
Species :blanda  Benth.
Habit :Aromatic undershrub
Parts Used :Flower, Leaf
Mode of Preparation :Fresh leaves boiled with water for extract. Fresh leafy young shoots crushed for local application. Inflorescence used to garnish traditional chutney.
Mode of use :Decoction and Local Application
Ingredients :The whole plant contains essential oil. Three new C-methylated flavones named as 5,5′-dihydroxy-7-acetoxy-6,8,3,3-tetramethylpyran (3′,4′) flavone,5,5′-dihydroxy-7-(a-methyl)butyroxyl 6,8,3,3-tetramethylpyran (3′,4′) flavone and,5,5′-dihydroxy 6,7-methylenedioxy-8,3-trimethylpyran (3′,4′) flavone.
Ailment Treated:Juice of leafy shoot is useful for fresh wound healing. Leaf decoction is used for fever, cough, high blood pressure, nose bleeding and menstrual disorder.
Source:Generally cultivated and in hills and valley areas; found sold in local markets.

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