
Common Name

English :East indian arrow-root
Hindi :Tikhur
Manipuri :Yai-pal

Scientific Name

Group :Angiosperm (Monocotyledon)
Family :Zingiberaceae
Genus :Curcuma
Species :angustifolia  Roxb.
Habit :Rhizomatous herb
Parts Used :Rhizome, Flower
Mode of Preparation :Fresh rhizome crushed for consumption. Rhizome crushed with water for decoction/ consumption. Rhizomes and flowers are edible.
Mode of use :Fresh, Decoction
Ingredients :Rhizome yields starch resembling arrowroot which is easily digestible.
Ailment Treated:Crushed rhizome taken to cure cough and dysentery. Boiled rhizome is easily digestive.
Source:Generally grown in low altitude hills. Sold in the market. Not cultivated.

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