
Common Name

English :China-rose
Hindi :Jasum
Manipuri :Jubakusum

Scientific Name

Group :Angiosperm (Dicotyledon)
Family :Malvaceae
Genus :Hibiscus
Species :rosa sinensis  Linn.
Habit :Bushy shrub
Parts Used :Root, Flower & Leaf
Mode of Preparation :Root crushed and simmered with water for decoction. Fresh leaves crushed for paste. Flower crushed for paste. Petals soaked in cold water for infusion use. Planted as hedge plant. Flower occasionally offered in religious ceremonies. Planted as decorative pot plant.
Mode of use :Decoction, Fresh & Local Application
Ingredients :Flower is rich in vitamin B-complex and minerals. The plant contains carbohydrate like Fructose, Glucose, Sucrose and other compounds like Tartaric acid, Oxalic acid and Citric acid.
Ailment Treated:Root decoction is used for cough and cold. Root decoction with sugar candy is good in urinary disorder, menstrual disorder and as a health tonic. Leaf paste softens inflamed parts. Flower paste reduces pain caused by external wounds and sores. Petal infusion is good for alimentary tract.
Source:Extensively cultivated as hedge plant.

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