Okhidak O-Hidak

Common Name

English :Sweet flag
Hindi :Bach
Manipuri :Okhidak/O-Hidak

Scientific Name

Group :Angiosperm (Monocotyledon)
Family :Araceae
Genus :Acorus
Species :calamus  Linn.
Habit :Marshy rhizomatous erect aromatic herb
Parts Used :Rhizome and Leaf
Mode of Preparation :Dried rhizome is powdered and mixed with castor oil to make paste. Rhizome crushed for local application. Powdered rhizome is mixed with honey for epilepsy. Rhizome crushed for decoction. Tender leaf is used as an ingredient in the preparation of traditional herbal shampoo.
Mode of use :Decoction and Local Application.
Ingredients :Rhizomes are sources of Calamus oil, which is an essential oil containing asarone and its isomers. The essential oil free alcoholic extract of the rhizome possesses sedative and analgesic properties. Calamenone, Calamendiol and Isocalamendiol were reported from roots.
Ailment Treated:The decoction of the rhizome is used to cause vomiting, powder of the dry rhizome mixed with castor oil is used externally for fungal skin ailments and scabies, decoction is also used for asthma, diarrhoea and chronic dysentery. Powdered rhizome mixed with honey is taken internally for epilepsy. Fresh rhizome decoction is applied on forehead against fever. Dried rhizome piece tied in neck chain for infants to cure various diseases (worm, cold, cough).
Source:Grown in wetlands and other water logging areas of the valley. Today, the population has been declined to a great extend due to extensive collection and decline in wetlands.

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