
Common Name

English :Monkey jack tree
Hindi :Barhal
Manipuri :Heirikokthong

Scientific Name

Group :Angiosperm (Dicotyledon)
Family :Moraceae
Genus :Artocarpus
Species :lakoocha  Roxb.
Habit :Handsome tree
Parts Used :Bark, Fruit & Seed
Mode of Preparation :Dried bark ground into powder. Fruits are edible.
Mode of use :Fresh
Ingredients :Wood contain galangin, artocarpin & cycloartocarpin. Bark yields b-sitosterol, cycloartenol, a-amyrin and lupeol acetate. The heartwood contains artocarpin, norartocarpin & oxyresveratol.
Ailment Treated:Ripe fruit pulp is taken in constipation and fever. Bark powder is antiseptic and applied to pimples and cracked skin. Seeds are purgative.
Source:Wildly grown in both hills and valley areas. Occasionally cultivated as avenue tree.

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