
Common Name

English :Castor bean
Hindi :Erandi /Arand
Manipuri :Kege

Scientific Name

Group :Angiosperm (Dicotyledon)
Family :Euphorbiaceae
Genus :Ricinus
Species :communis  Linn .
Habit :Bushy glabrous shrub
Parts Used :Root, Bark, Seed & Leaf.
Mode of Preparation :The leaves are warmed, crushed for local application. Fresh leaves crushed for paste. Seeds crushed for oil extraction. Root is boiled for decoction. Bark is soaked in water. The leaves are used as eri-silk worm feed.
Mode of use :Decoction, Infusion, Fresh & Local Application
Ingredients :Seeds yield Castor oil, a fatty oil. Seeds contain vitamin B6 and B1, Glycoproteins.
Ailment Treated:Warmed & crushed leaf paste is applied on the anus to cure bleeding piles. Seed oil is used as laxative and vermicide. Seed oil is applied externally in loosing and cracking of limbs. Root decoction is given in lumbago. Bark infusion is used to treat skin inflammations and rashes.
Source:Grown wildly in the valley areas.

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