
Common Name

English :Common honey locust
Hindi :
Manipuri :Keeyamlei

Scientific Name

Group :Angiosperm (Dicotyledon)
Family :Caesalpiniaceae
Genus :Gleditsia
Species :triacanthos  Linn.
Habit :Tree
Parts Used :Leaf and Pod
Mode of Preparation :Leaves crushed with water for extract.
Mode of use :Fresh
Ingredients :Leaves contain 300-750 mg/100 g of ascorbic acid. Five new turger influencing substances – PLMF-1, PLMF- 3, PLMF- 4, PLMF-5 and PLMF- 6 and oleanotic acid are the major compond of leaves and fruits.
Ailment Treated:Pods are expectorant. Aqueous extract of leaves exhibits depressor effect and also rich in vitamin C. Pod juice is antibiotic.
Source:Wild and Cultivated.

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