
Common Name

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Scientific Name

Group :Angiosperm (Dicotyledon)
Family :Sapindaceae
Genus :Sapindus
Species :trifoliatus  Linn.
Habit :Small tree
Parts Used :Root, Bark, Fruit
Mode of Preparation :Fruit crushed for decoction. Fruit/root/bark crushed for paste.
Mode of use :Decoction, Fresh
Ingredients :Saponins – sapindoside A and sapindoside B. Nuts contain kaempferol, querectin and b-sitosterol saponin emarginatoside from fruits. Kernels yield a fixed oil used for soap manufacture and as a source of oleic and arachidic acids.
Ailment Treated:Fruit is tonic, acrid, bitter, thermogenic, emetic, expectorant, anthelmintic and abortifacient. The roots and bark are expectorant and demulcent. Pessaries made from kernel are used to stimulate uterus during childbirth. The crushed fruit is used in piles, worm diseases of the children. Decoction of the fruit is used as detergent of jeweler ornaments.
Source:Wild / Cultivated

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