Kabo leiteng

Common Name

English :Leopard flower
Hindi :
Manipuri :Kabo leiteng

Scientific Name

Group :Angiosperm (Monocotyledon)
Family :Iridaceae
Genus :Belamcanda
Species :chinensis  (Linn.) DC.
Habit :Herb
Parts Used :Rhizome and Stem
Mode of Preparation :Fresh rhizome/stem crushed for extract.
Mode of use :Fresh
Ingredients :The rhizomes contain flucosides, bleamcandin, tictoridin, shekanin and iridin are reported.
Ailment Treated:Rhizome is used in tonsilitis, chest expectorant, carminative, liver complaints, larrygeal tumours and breast cancer. Root is aperient, resolvent and antidote to snake- bite. Pulp from the stem is used in stomachic.
Source:Cultivated as ornamental plant.

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