
Common Name

English :Spanish cane/ Giant reed
Hindi :Bara nal
Manipuri :Yenthou

Scientific Name

Group :Angiosperm (Monocotyledon)
Family :Poaceae
Genus :Arundo
Species :donax  Linn.
Habit :Tall shrub
Parts Used :Tender shoot and rhizome
Mode of Preparation :Tender shoot boiled for extract. Rhizome crushed with water for decoction. Shoot crushed for juice. Stem peel is used for making various household items.
Mode of use :Fresh and Decoction
Ingredients :Two dimeric indole bases from root: 3-N-dimethylaminoethyl-5-hydroxy-4-(3′-N”‘methylaminoethyl indol-1’-yl) & N-methyl derivative of arundamine are reported.
Ailment Treated:Tender shoot extract is given to children suffering from worm diseases, typhoid, asthma and pneumonia. Tender shoot is given to cows suffering from various diseases. Decoction of rhizome is emollient, diuretic, menstrual discharge and diminish the secretion of milk. The juice of the fresh shoots along with little common salt is used in diarrhoea of cattle.
Source:Wild/cultivated extensively.

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