
Common Name

English :Prickly poppy
Hindi :Bharband
Manipuri :Yenkhumit

Scientific Name

Group :Angiosperm (Dicotyledon)
Family :Papaveraceae
Genus :Argemone
Species :mexicana  Linn.
Habit :Spiny tall herb
Parts Used :Root, Leaf and Seed
Mode of Preparation :Leaves crushed for decoction, cut stem for latex, seed ground into powder.
Mode of use :Decoction
Ingredients :Flower contain isorhamntin, isohamnetin-3-glucoside and isorhamnetin-3,7-diglucoside.
Ailment Treated:Seed oil is applied against cracking of skin, loosening of limbs and bones and in rheumatism. Decoction of leaf is used in jaundice. Seeds are laxative, expectorant and demulcent. Roots are used in skin diseases, leprosy, constipation, flatulence and malarial fever. Latex is used in dropsy, inflammation, burning sensation and blisters.
Source:Wild and non-marketable.

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