
Common Name

English :Tamarind tree
Hindi :Imli
Manipuri :Mange

Scientific Name

Group :Angiosperm (Dicotyledon)
Family :Caesalpiniaceae
Genus :Tamarindus
Species :indica  Linn.
Habit :Handsome evergreen tree
Parts Used :Fruit, Leaf
Mode of Preparation :Fruits peeled off for pulp and this can be mixed with water, banana and milk or with sugar or salt. Leaves crushed & squeezed for juice/paste. Fruit crushed for decoction. Fruit is edible both in raw & processed. Leaf & fruits used for cleaning utensils made of brass.
Mode of use :Decoction, Fresh
Ingredients :Fruit contains tartaric acid, citric, maleic acid and potassium bitartarate and traces of oxalic acid. Seed kernel is having polysaccharideas. Leaves contain flavonoid, glycosides, saponaretin, vitexin, orintin and homoorientin.
Ailment Treated:Ripe fruit is dyspepsiac and eaten against excessive perspiration. Fruit pulp with water is prescribed in cough and cold. Leaf paste is good remedy for rheumatic pain. Fruit decoction is used as laxative and carminative.
Source:Generally cultivated in community lands & roadsides but taboo to cultivate in private lands.

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