
Common Name

English :
Hindi :
Manipuri :Khoiju

Scientific Name

Group :Angiosperm (Dicotyledon)
Family :Lamiaceae
Genus :Plectranthus
Species :ternifolius  D. Don.
Habit :Bushy shrub
Parts Used :Leaf & inflorescence
Mode of Preparation :Leaves crushed with water for decoction. Leaves & inflorescences used for preparation of traditional hair lotion. Dried leaves burnt for fumigation.
Mode of use :Decoction, Fumigation
Ingredients :The plant contains b-sitosperol, triterpenes, ursolic acid, stearic acid, oleonelic acid and isodonal.
Ailment Treated:The decoction of the leaves and inflorescences are used for the preparation of hair lotion (chenghi). Smoke of the leaves was used as antidote of small pox. Plant decoction is used in skin diseases. Leaf ash after burning in fire is applied on forehead in headache and skin diseases.
Source:Wildly grown in the hilly regions. Not so common.

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