
Common Name

English :Siris tree
Hindi :Siris
Manipuri :Khok

Scientific Name

Group :Angiosperm (Dicotyledon)
Family :Mimosaceae
Genus :Albizia
Species :stipulata  (Roxb.) Boivin
Habit :Large deciduous tree
Parts Used :Root, Bark, Leaf and Seed
Mode of Preparation :Dried bark ground into powder. Leaves and seeds crushed with water for extract.
Mode of use :Fresh
Ingredients :The bark yields tannins of condensed type, viz d-catechin, isomers of leucocyanedin and melacacidin and a new leucoantho-cyanidin, lebbecacidin. Seeds gave crude protien, calcium, phosphorus, iron, niacin and ascorbic acid. The flowers contain lupeol, a and b-amyrin.
Ailment Treated:Leaves and seeds extract are used for eye irritation. Bark is used for bronchitis, leprosy, paralysis and helminth infections. Bark and seeds are astringent, piles and diarrhoea. Root bark and root gum are used as dental powder. Flowers are used in chronic cough and bronchitis. Bark powder is anthelmintic and used in fish poisoning; leaf extract is used in cutaneous infection.
Source:Common in the valley and also grown in the hills.

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