Haolei angouba

Common Name

English :Quail grass
Hindi :Sufaid murga
Manipuri :Haolei angouba

Scientific Name

Group :Angiosperm (Dicotyledon)
Family :Amaranthaceae
Genus :Celosia
Species :argentea  Linn.
Habit :Tall erect undershrub
Parts Used :Whole plant
Mode of Preparation :Leaf crushed for decoction. Whole plant crushed for decoction. Whole plant soaked in water for infusion. Flower crushed for decoction.
Mode of use :Decoction and Fresh
Ingredients :Plant contains vitamins, fats, carbonhydrates and oxalic acid. The seeds contain 24-Ethyl-22-dehydrotathosterol (69.6), 24-ethyllathosterol (17.5), 24-methyllathosterol (3.9), 24-methyl-22-dehydrolathosterol (3.8)avenasta-7-en-ol (3.3) and 24- methylenelathosterol (1.95%) while the roots contain hexadecadienoic, tricosanoic,lignoceric,cerotic and a-aminobutaric acids.
Ailment Treated:Decoction of the leaves are used in blood diseases and purification of blood. Decoction of the plant is used as a wash for mouth ulcer and eyes to get clear vision. Decoction of flower is given for treating tuberculosis. Infusion of the whole plant is used for dysentery, diahorrea, acute abdominal pain and inflammed stomach.The curry prepared from tender shoots and local small fish called as ngakha (Puntius phuternio) is used for treatment of diabetes.
Source:Cultivated in valley areas.

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