
Common Name

English :Arjuna myrobalan
Hindi :Arjuna
Manipuri :Mayokpha

Scientific Name

Group :Angiosperm (Dicotyledon)
Family :Combretaceae
Genus :Terminalia
Species :arjuna  Roxb.
Habit :Robust tree
Parts Used :Bark, Fruit & Leaf
Mode of Preparation :The bark is boiled for extract. Fresh leaves crushed & smashed for juice. Bark is soaked in water for infusion. Regarded as sacred plant.
Mode of use :Decoction, Fresh & Local Application
Ingredients :Bark contains a crystalline compound arjunine, a lactone, arjunetin, essential oil, large quantities of calcium salts and traces of aluminium and magnesium salts, reducing sugars and colouring matter.
Ailment Treated:Bark infusion is taken for regulation of blood pressure, liver complaints, piles and heart problems. Fruit is tonic. Bark decoction is tonic, antidysenteric, used for fractures, ulcers, blood diseases, congestion of the liver, painful or difficult urination, heart diseases, anaemia, asthma, tumours, etc. Leaf juice is a good remedy for earache (local application).
Source:Grown wildly in hilly districts and also cultivated in the valley areas.

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