
Common Name

English :Horse-tail
Hindi :
Manipuri :Lai-utong

Scientific Name

Group :Pteridophyte
Family :Equisetaceae
Genus :Equisetum
Species :debile  Roxb.
Habit :Slender silicate herb
Parts Used :Stem
Mode of Preparation :Stem is crushed for decoction. Stem crushed & steam heated for local application. The plant along with the leaf of ‘Dryopteris marginata’ are boiled in water for external use.
Mode of use :Decoction & Local Application
Ingredients :Leaves contain polyphenolic acids. Stems contain protocatechuic and caffic acids.
Ailment Treated:Stem decoction paste is used for local application on body in dropsy and hysteria by the hill people. Steam heated packet containing the plant is good for local application on back ache. Plant is boiled in water and the soup is used to take bath against skin diseases.
Source:Wildly grown in hills and plains specially in moist and shady areas.

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