
Common Name

English :Papaya
Hindi :Papita
Manipuri :Awa-thabi

Scientific Name

Group :Angiosperm (Dicotyledon)
Family :Caricaceae
Genus :Carica
Species :papaya  Linn.
Habit :Small tree
Parts Used :Whole plant
Mode of Preparation :Fruit crushed or cut for fresh consumption. Latex of raw fruit is dried for consumption. Root is boiled in water along with sugar candy for soup preparation. Fruits are edible. Young fruit cooked as vegetables.
Mode of use :Decoction and Fresh
Ingredients :Seeds yield a fatty oil. The plant yields a fluid which is blood-anti-coagulant. An alkaloid carpaine is reported from the leaves. Mature fruits are rich in vitamins & papain.
Ailment Treated:Fruit is stomachic, carminative and diuretic. Latex of raw fruit is anthelmintic. Tender fruit latex is antidote to poisonous bites (dog-bite). Root soup is good for urinary problems. Latex used for corns and warts. Crushed fruit is useful for painful rheumatism. Dry seed powder is good to remove worms from the body.
Source:Extensively cultivated in both valley and hills.

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