
Common Name

English :Fever nut
Hindi :Kuberakshi
Manipuri :Tinshibi

Scientific Name

Group :Angiosperm (Dicotyledon)
Family :Caesalpiniaceae
Genus :Caesalpinia
Species :bonducella  (Linn.) Flem
Habit :Straggling spiny shrub
Parts Used :Seed, Bark and Leaf
Mode of Preparation :Seed crushed with water for paste.
Mode of use :Fresh
Ingredients :Kernals contain a, b, g and s-caesalpins, caesalpin F and a homoisoflavone and bonducellin.
Ailment Treated:The paste obtained after rubbing the seeds on stone surface is given to children to cure fever and excessive body temperature. Root bark is febrifuge, expectorant, anthelmintic, and stomachic. Leaves are emmenegogue, febrifuge, intestinal worms and fevers. Seeds are bitter, astringent, thermogenic, anodyne, anthemintic and liver tonic.
Source:Wild grown in hilly areas and at foothills. Occasionally cultivated in valley areas.

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