Takhellei angangba

Common Name

English :Red ginger lily.
Hindi :
Manipuri :Takhellei angangba

Scientific Name

Group :Angiosperm (Monocotyledon)
Family :Zingiberaceae
Genus :Hedychium
Species :marginatum  C.B. Clarke
Habit :Rhizomatous aromatic erect herb
Parts Used :Rhizome
Mode of Preparation :Fresh rhizome is crushed for paste. Fresh rhizome simmered with water for decoction. Rhizome is boiled with milk, rice water for hair care. Occasionally eaten the rhizome as vegetables.
Mode of use :Decoction Paste
Ingredients :
Ailment Treated:Fresh rhizome paste is given in bronchitis and stomach ulcer. Rhizome decoction is used as blood purifier and also given in stomach complaints and bronchitis. Rhizome decoction with milk and rice water is very good for healthy growth of hair.
Source:Found growing in swampy areas. Occasionally cultivated in kitchen gardens.

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