
Common Name

English :
Hindi :
Manipuri :Sang-brei

Scientific Name

Group :Angiosperm (Dicotyledon)
Family :Lamiaceae
Genus :Pogostemon
Species :parviflorus  Benth.
Habit :Aromatic undershrub
Parts Used :Leaf
Mode of Preparation :Fresh leaves chopped & soaked in water for infusion. Fresh leaves boiled for extract. Leaves boiled with rice water for hair lotion. Leaf & shoot used in the preparation of traditional hair shampoo.
Mode of use :Decoction and Fresh
Ingredients :Leaves contain an essential oil.
Ailment Treated:Leaf juice/ infusion is used for menstrual disorder. Leaf extract is used as hair lotion ( conditioning of hairs & eradication of lice). Dried leaves & flowers are used as insect repellent.
Source:Generally cultivated in the valley areas.

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