Pong hawai

Common Name

English :Cow pea
Hindi :Lobiya
Manipuri :Pong hawai

Scientific Name

Group :Angiosperm (Dicotyledon)
Family :Fabaceae
Genus :Vigna
Species :unguiculata  (Linn.) Walp
Habit :Climbing herb
Parts Used :Seed, Pod, Leaf/Shoot
Mode of Preparation :Green pods, tender leaves and shoots commonly served as vegetables. The green pods after boiling are used in the prepartion of chutney. Mature seeds are boiled and consumed as food.
Mode of use :Fresh
Ingredients :Seeds contain stigmasterol, carotene, thiamine, ribofloven, niacin, vitamin C and folic acid.
Ailment Treated:Seeds are sweet, astringent, appetizer, laxative, anthelmintic, diuretic, galactagogue and liver tonic. Seed is eaten to enhance lactation of nursing mother.
Source:Cultivated extensively in valley areas.

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