
Common Name

English :Garden balsam
Hindi :Gulmendhi
Manipuri :Khujang

Scientific Name

Group :Angiosperm (Dicotyledon)
Family :Balsaminaceae
Genus :Impatiens
Species :balsamina  Linn.
Habit :Tall succulent herb
Parts Used :Leaf
Mode of Preparation :Fresh leaf roasted into fire for local application. Fresh leaf crushed for juice. Flowers crushed for juice (local application). Planted as pot plant.
Mode of use :Fresh and Local Application
Ingredients :Plant contains Palmitic, Stearic, Oleic acids and their ethyl esters are reporteds present in the seed.
Ailment Treated:Roasted leaf paste is useful for skin cracking and nail infection. Fresh leaf juice is good & healing for nail injuries. Flower juice is cooling and useful for burns and scalds.
Source:Wild as well as cultivated in the home gardens.

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