
Common Name

English :Greater galangal
Hindi :Kulanjan
Manipuri :Kanghu

Scientific Name

Group :Angiosperm (Monocotyledon)
Family :Zingiberaceae
Genus :Alpinia
Species :galanga  Willd.
Habit :Gregarious slender aromatic herb
Parts Used :Stem, Rhizome and Leaf
Mode of Preparation :Fresh rhizome crushed for paste. Root crushed & mixed with water for root juice preparation. Rhizome eaten. Seed ground into powder.
Mode of use :Fresh and Local Application
Ingredients :Major Essential oil 1,2 (0.4%) ( a-pinene, b-pinene, Limonene, terpinen-4-ol, a-terpineol, Linalool, methyl eugenol, eugenol and 1,8-cineole), Quercetin, Kaempferol, galangin, etc.
Ailment Treated:Juice of rootstock is abortifacient, fresh rhizome paste is used for intestinal worms, fever, cough, and excessive body temperature. Leaf-extract mixed with sugar is given in dysentery. Dried rhizomes used in rheumatism and bronchial problems . Seeds are used for colic, diarrhoea amd vomiting.
Source:Grown in shade condition and wetlands. Cultivated in kitchen gardens.

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