
Common Name

English :Bottle gourd
Hindi :Lauki
Manipuri :Khongdrum

Scientific Name

Group :Angiosperm (Dicotyledon)
Family :Cucurbitaceae
Genus :Lagenaria
Species :siceraria  (Mol.) Standley.
Habit :Robust climber
Parts Used :Root, Flower and Fruit
Mode of Preparation :Fruit pulp is ground with exoskeleton of Cobra snake and mustard oil for fumigation purpose. Matured fruit is crushed for paste application. Seeds crushed with little water for paste. Root is crushed for paste use. Fruit is edible.
Mode of use :Fumigation, Fresh & Local Application
Ingredients :Raw fruit is rich in Ca, Fe, K, I, Vitamin B-complex and Vitamin C. Seeds yield an edible oil.
Ailment Treated:Fumes of mixture of fruit pulp exoskeleton of Cobra and mustard oil is used for easy child delivery (passing over vagina). Fruit paste is used to reduce skin discoloration. Flowers are antidote to food poisoning. Fresh fruit juice is used for pimples. Root paste is applied on forehead during headache.
Source:Extensively cultivated in the valley areas.

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